The proposal isn't really part of the wedding planning process, per se, but it's a great story and I love to share it!
Background information: Jordan and I attended the same middle- and high-schools, though we didn't really know each other until the end of his senior year of high school (I was a sophomore at the time). He left for UGA in 2003 and we began chatting (and flirting) over AIM soon afterwards. I needed some advice on a summer program in 2004 and he had been before, so that was when we really started talking more often. He says he knew he wanted to ask me on a date when I showed up at his pool party wearing my favorite cherry skirt, hehe. ;) On September 21, 2004 (I was a senior in high school), he asked me if I wanted to go on a date, and by December 6 of that year, we were dating exclusively! Well, after I graduated from high school in May 2005, I decided to go to UGA as well, so by August of that year, we were no longer in a long-distance relationship, which was great, but it definitely took some getting used to!
The proposal: On November 18, 2006, Jordan asked me if I wanted to go on a late-night picnic to North Campus (something we did fairly often at the time). Once we were there, he said that a campus a capella group would be performing on the steps of the University Chapel and that some friends of ours were going to show up to watch it. After our picnic of fried chicken and cheesecake, we wandered down to the Chapel to watch the performance. They sang a few songs before starting Come What May from Moulin Rouge (one of our favorite love songs). I was pretty excited, but nothing prepared me for hearing Jordan start to sing the male part rather than the performing group! After singing the first verse, he got down on one knee and said, "Samantha, I love you more than anything else in this world. Will you marry me?"
To say the least, I was quite shocked. I actually didn't even say or do anything at first (something he loves to tease me about!). He asked, "Well?" and I yanked my glove off and said, "Yes!" A friend of ours was videotaping the whole time, so we have a copy of the proposal, but unfortunately it doesn't play on any computers so I can't share it until I find a way to upload it! Jordan thinks he sang terribly, but I think it's cute beyond belief. :)
We will be getting married one day short of five years to the day of when he first asked me out on a date. <3
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