You might recall that I agonized over purchasing shoes for a very long time. I knew exactly what shoes I wanted, but unfortunately those shoes didn't seem to exist. In this post, I explained that I had found a great pair of shoes that I would dye turquoise. I did eventually decide not to dye the shoes because I have heard horror stories of the dye rubbing off on a bride's dress, staining her feet, etc.
At one point, I was also considering getting pink shoes, as I was enthralled with the cover of Brides magazine which featured this lovely pair:Well, the return/exchange time limit was up on my original pair of shoes, so I decided to just keep them and wear pink flip flops for the reception. Problem solved.
... Except, that's not quite how it worked out. I wore my original shoes for my bridal portrait session and my feet swelled while wearing them, leaving terrible blisters all over my feet. Not to mention, they were uncomfortable and that's all I could think about the whole time I was walking. I definitely did not want to spend my wedding day worrying about how much my feet hurt.
Despite the fact that I had spent $45 on my original pair of shoes, I started looking for another pair (the first time this bargain shopping bride has changed her mind about an already-completed purchase). I decided that this time, I would go with my original idea and try to find a pair of flip flop style kitten heels. Imagine my surprise when I found an adorable pair of hot pink shoes that fit ALL of my criteria...and imagine my joy when I realized they were only $27!
Courtesy of, I now have my dream shoes to wear for the wedding!
And they lived happily ever after...mostly because comfort and beauty can coexist peacefully in one shoe.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
My Dream Shoes: Check!
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Wedding-related events!
Our wedding is now just under 2 months away and we're starting to have parties and wedding events, which is super exciting!
First, my maid of honor, Amelia, planned a dinner for our local friends who might not be able to make it to the wedding. We had dinner at Logan's Roadhouse, followed by a just-slightly-competitive game of hide-and-go-seek on UGA's North Campus. It was ridiculously fun! :) And the dress I found to wear is super awesome because it has both our wedding colors on it--(hot pink and turquoise). Not to mention it was only $8 at Plato's!
Then, Jordan's family threw us a Couples Shower/swimming party/cookout at their home in North Carolina! It was so much fun and turned out beautifully!
Things are definitely starting to go by a little quicker now that we're so close!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Table Numbers Completed!
I finally got around to creating table numbers out of some of our favorite engagement pictures! It actually took a lot of going back and forth between Picnik and Snapfish to make sure that nothing was cropped out of the pictures. I originally ordered a set without previewing them and most of the numbers had been cropped out! I contacted Snapfish customer service and they were incredibly helpful! They explained to me what had happened, how to fix it, and they also issued me a complete refund! I will definitely continue to use them for my photo orders. :)
Anyway, here are a couple of my favorite completed table numbers! (As much as I love the border, I had to crop it out when I ordered the prints.)
Also, this past weekend, Jordan and I had a wonderful couples shower in North Carolina with his family! We had a cookout, complete with swimming and cupcakes, and we both had a great time! As soon as I upload the pictures, I will share some. :)
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Thank You Cards - More Free Stuff!
Let me just say again how very much I adore! Jordan and I will be having our first shower next weekend, and I wanted to go ahead and stock up on thank you cards. I wanted to keep them within our bride and groom theme, but since we don't have any photos of ourselves in wedding attire yet, I decided to search for something on vistaprint. I got 100 postcard style thank you notes for the cost of shipping (about $7)! Here is a low-quality preview:
And I already have envelopes too, since we have about a billion left over from our rehearsal dinner invitations...I'll share those too:I purchased those as postcards from vistaprint too...I made both images using, and even with the charge for uploading my own image, I got 100 of those with envelopes for only $15 plus shipping! :D