Monday, August 25, 2008

Bad News

Classes have started back, so I've been rather busy, and not really in the mood for posting on here. Not to mention, because of budget cuts here at UGA, I've sort of lost my job. I have to cut back on hours (which means bringing home $200 less A MONTH) until November, at which time my position will be permanently eliminated. How absolutely thrilling. As if everything else in my life hasn't been falling apart too.

I guess that's a little over-dramatic, but things have really felt awful lately. I'm gaining weight instead of losing, I'm swamped with work for my classes and research, I lost the best job I've ever had, Jordan and I have been fighting a lot more, I'm usually too busy to hang out with my friends, I'm way more irritable than usual, and I don't even really feel like doing any more wedding planning. That's how I know it's gotten bad...the only thing I really want to do is stay in my bed all day, sleeping and maybe coloring. I don't feel like eating, I dread the thought of having to go anywhere, and I especially don't want to go to work or classes anymore.

Ugh. This has gotten bad enough. I'm just hoping that some sunshine will come back into my life pretty soon (sans the heat and sunburn parts). I don't know how much longer I can handle feeling so gloomy and miserable.

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