Friday, May 16, 2008

A much needed place to vent/share

So, I'm back into blogging after a several-year hiatus. This time, it should be much different than my angsty xanga days. I've created this blog to keep track of my wedding planning, as well as to vent and share my ideas with friends and family.

Even though the wedding is still 16 months and 4 days away, I've been planning for several months now (well, ever since I was about eight in all honesty). I have so many ideas that it's hard to keep track of everything in my "My Pictures" folder and Gmail, so that's why I'm here.

Each new post will be about some aspect of my wedding planning or wedding woes, and I'd like to invite everyone to leave a comment with advice, suggestions, or commiseration. Happy reading!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Hey Sammi!

Nice blog, I'll be sure to check it often and see what the status on your wedding plans are. Do you mind if I link your blog to mine? It's about my preparation for my study abroad in Spain. (that way my parents can see your blog too!) I'm excited to see you NEXT MONTH when I have my Atlanta layover!!!